Thursday, January 21, 2010

Two new cotender for the best r/c drift chassis!!!


i just found out about two new chassis which I personally think are very amazing. They are very well built and has thier own advantages. So with out further a-do here they are!!

Yokomo's very own D-Max
I think this chassis is nore or less the same with Hpi Pro-D. Thier sturcture is basically the same with the battry pack laying across the chassis for more balance weight, front mounted motor.
But the D-max has 1 more trick in his sleeves. The D-Max has a slippry clutch just like in r/c buggy. So from what I could see Yokomo's D-Max is much batter than Hpi's Pro-D.

++Hpi Hot Body TCD++
This chassis is pretty much the same with the Tamiya's TA05 with the SP drift conversion kit.
So I dont need to say much about the chassis as you all can see its practically yhe same with TA05 from my previous post on the Pro-D vs TA05 debate.

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