Saturday, August 29, 2009

SaifuL's Nissan R34 GTR Z-tuned

This is my nissan R34 bodyshell...this is what it looked before. hehehe

Jin's RX-7

This is my Rx-7 body on my lighting RC...
I use BLACK and YELLOW tamiya spray paint...
The vinyls of the RX-7 is all paintjob(the black winged strips)Accept for the feke sponsored stickers and parts...
I chose the metal spoiler because the plastic ones will break easily...

Friday, August 28, 2009

I know why the LI-PO batt is damaged!!!

As you all remember from one of my recent post...YR LI-PO batt damaged!?

After consulting with an experienced r/c drift in my area now i know why the battery is damaged...
-the causes is that i used the battery until it is completely empty...and one of the rules for li-po battery is that you SHOULD NOT use it until it is completely empty(i just know this). you should stop using it when the current capacity in the li-po battery is low. then you charge it and start to use it again.

hope this info is usefull to all of you r/c drifter out there...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The First Video of Project S.A.D...

Please enjoy!!!!!

Jin's RC

My Rc brand is lightning racing..

This is my First original RC sucks cos the paint job was a total mess...

I simply added the stickers without thinking...

It,s full stock...

SAiFuL's White Evo X....YUKES

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Saturday, August 22, 2009

YR LI-PO batt damaged!?

I think my li-po battery is damaged...
b'coz the volt of the batt is 7.4v with 4000MaH but when i tried to charged it...
1st problem:
i manually set the volt to 7.4v but it said the volt is to low when i charged it with auto set volt, it started charging but the volt is less than 7.4v .
2nd problem:
although the batt has 4000MaH...after few minutes started charging it stops and when i read the screen it says the battery is full. when i check the amount of MaH inserted in the battery its only

here are some pics on the li-po battery:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The team members...

The first member...
Name: Saiful a.k.a Siput
Chassis: HSP 1:10 drift & Tamiya TT01D

The 2nd member...
Name: Jon
Chassis: Lightning

The last member...(so far)
Name: Kiat
Chassis: Lightning

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Project Slide and Drift(Project S.A.D) is a new R/C drift group in Brunei that me and my other two friends made.
This blog is to get you guys updated with all our activites reguarding on R/C drift. For people who don't know what is R/C drifting here is some idea about it: R/C stands for radio control and R/C drifting is a radio control car that drift.